Fahmi misses me and my blog so much.
He said he ran out of reading materials hahahaha. Sooo here I am,
Hi Fahmi, I hope you're still alive :)
Sorry for abandoning blogger. I've been using my sister's laptop which is going to be busted anytime soon haha. I can't sign into blogger, no Google and Yahoo, no iTunes and Ares, nothing. A bore, I tell you.
Let alone her laptop, actually my laptop is officially busted too. After sending it for repairs ( 3 times okay ! ) it's still being a total bitch. So dad said he has had enough with it, he's gonna sell it to his laptop repairman guy person yeaahh haha. On the bright side, he gave me his office laptop right here. But of course, his password and all here. Whenever I wanna use it, I have to ask his permission. Typical, mhmm.
So what's up ?
I had a fight with mom a few days ago and we haven't talked to each other since. We still have this vibe between us y'know and yeah, I know, I should say sorry. Hey, I'm ego and I don't like saying sorry. I know, she's my mom but it's not really my fault. She made it like such a big deal.
I just finished my Intervensi exam which was a total bitch. Sejarah was the 'best' ! I totally went blank and "Fail" was written all over the paper, seriously. I won't expect an A for that paper cause I know I won't get an A. As always, I'll finish the paper right on time. I have no idea why, but time passes by so fast when it comes to History paper ! Haih, no 8A's for this Intervensi then.
What else, what else ?
Oh right, school has been good to me, despite the exhaustion and the sleepiness. Oh oh, I painted the class. It was hella fun, seriously :') We didn't just paint the walls, we painted ourselves too hahaha. Had a great time with the JDs. I love being in 3 Edison cause there's not even a slight difference than last year cause each one of the lovely guys and girls are still there. Can't be much more fun ;)
I thought and wished for 2010 to be much much better than 2009 but so far, '10 hasn't been good to me. Everything's on the rocks. I told you about my situation between me and my mom. But now, Syafiq and I aren't really doing good. We haven't been in the terms of "best friends" for awhile. We've been in a few arguments and they're just not good. No, not good at all. Solutions are just hard to find cause I just don't know how to solve this thing. And I don't know, it feels weird talking to him nowadays. Damn, it feels so empty not talking to him. Okay whatever, not a big deal.
Kimi is like disturbing me. He's sitting in front of this laptop, blocking my view. So, I'm out :)
Let alone her laptop, actually my laptop is officially busted too. After sending it for repairs ( 3 times okay ! ) it's still being a total bitch. So dad said he has had enough with it, he's gonna sell it to his laptop repairman guy person yeaahh haha. On the bright side, he gave me his office laptop right here. But of course, his password and all here. Whenever I wanna use it, I have to ask his permission. Typical, mhmm.
So what's up ?
I had a fight with mom a few days ago and we haven't talked to each other since. We still have this vibe between us y'know and yeah, I know, I should say sorry. Hey, I'm ego and I don't like saying sorry. I know, she's my mom but it's not really my fault. She made it like such a big deal.
I just finished my Intervensi exam which was a total bitch. Sejarah was the 'best' ! I totally went blank and "Fail" was written all over the paper, seriously. I won't expect an A for that paper cause I know I won't get an A. As always, I'll finish the paper right on time. I have no idea why, but time passes by so fast when it comes to History paper ! Haih, no 8A's for this Intervensi then.
What else, what else ?
Oh right, school has been good to me, despite the exhaustion and the sleepiness. Oh oh, I painted the class. It was hella fun, seriously :') We didn't just paint the walls, we painted ourselves too hahaha. Had a great time with the JDs. I love being in 3 Edison cause there's not even a slight difference than last year cause each one of the lovely guys and girls are still there. Can't be much more fun ;)
I thought and wished for 2010 to be much much better than 2009 but so far, '10 hasn't been good to me. Everything's on the rocks. I told you about my situation between me and my mom. But now, Syafiq and I aren't really doing good. We haven't been in the terms of "best friends" for awhile. We've been in a few arguments and they're just not good. No, not good at all. Solutions are just hard to find cause I just don't know how to solve this thing. And I don't know, it feels weird talking to him nowadays. Damn, it feels so empty not talking to him. Okay whatever, not a big deal.
Kimi is like disturbing me. He's sitting in front of this laptop, blocking my view. So, I'm out :)