"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same."
; Everybody's Changing by Keane.
Hi hi ! How's everyone doing?
Other than the PMR candidates, I believe everyone's busy preparing for final exam and SPM yes? Well, good luck ! Soon, you'll be free birds too.
Jealousy breeds inside me whenever I hear my friends say that they're going on a vacation overseas with their family. I want to go on a vacation too. A getaway is very needed right now. I did ask my dad if he's taking us on a vacation or not, and he said maybe. It depends on my mom's strength and will. Hopefully she's okay with the idea of going away for a few days :}
My sleeping cycle is officially fxcked up. I've been sleeping late ever since PMR ended. Okay frankly speaking, it has been so long since the last time I slept before 12am. 'Cause even on school days, I never slept before 12am. Haha no joke. But now, I can't even sleep before 2. Even if I manage to fall asleep around 1am, it might be because I'm tired. To fix my sleeping cycle is on top of my To Do list, mhmm.
I've been happy with my life, thank God. But we all know, when we're happy, something bad is ahead and waiting for us. In my case, that bad thing did wait for me and it slapped me in the face. Life is definitely unfair. So, whenever you're happy, the only thing you can do is cherish that moment. Everyone knows something will turn ugly sooner or later.
I am tired and have had enough with being betrayed. The feeling of it is just too much to bear with.
A friend once said that he wouldn't smoke because he feared it would jeopardize his stamina. It seems like words can be so wrong right? To actually hear that he's now smoking because he's stressed up leaves me blank and my jaws wide open.
I hate it when one acts to me like nothing ever happened when actually something did. Please, I'm not Mr. Forgive-And-Forget's loyal follower. I forgive when I feel like he/she deserves forgiveness, whilst I honestly tell you that I'm not that person who forgets things easily, especially when it comes to people's flaws and wrong doings. So don't come and talk to me like shit never happened. Call me shallow-minded, call me immature. I'm only fifteen. You should call yourself immature for judging and not understanding.
Lastly, I hate selfish people. Don't ever think that you're the only one in the world who has problems. The world doesn't just revolve around you. As a matter of fact, it doesn't revolve around any of us. It revolves around the freaking sun. You should start thinking about other people. Don't talk to me about respect when you don't even respect yourself and other people. You need to give respect to earn it too.
This is ridiculous. Enough emotional shits.
Did you go to Paramore's concert on the 19th of October 2010? OMG it was off the heezay ! It was just too good. Hayley was cute and down to earth, hands down. She knew how to make the crowd go wild, she knew how to entertain us. Uhh words can't describe how amazing the concert was. I updated on the concert on my Tumblr. Lookie look at the short post I made on Tumblr and I inserted a few pictures too.
(The video is over-sized so it's not in the column. Watch it on YouTube !)
This was the best performance by Paramore. Everyone held up their handphones, lighters, and glowing sticks. Everyone sang along too. If you took a look at the crowd, it was beautiful :') Breathtaking, really. Watch at 4:26. Listen to the crowd singing the "And I'm on my way to believing" part. Hehehe it was love ♥
I've been listening to screamos nowadays. So bad, I know :( I mean, I still listen to proper music but more to screamos. This is bad, mhm. Well, I have new tunes that make my cochlea happy.
- We Came As Romans - To Plant A Seed
- Heaven Shall Burn - Given In Death
- Confide - Such Great Heights
- All That Remains - Hold On
- A Day To Remember - All I Want
- Escape The Fate - Issues
- Chiodos feat. Vic Fuentes - Love Is A Cat From Hell
- Of Mice And Men - Those In Glass Houses
- Attila - Rage
- Lorene Drive - Let It Go
- Abandon All Ships - Take One Last Breath
- Greeley Estates - You're Just Somebody I Used To Know
- Asking Alexandria - A Prophecy
- Dead By April - Losing You, What Can I Say & Found Myself In You. (Just listen to the whole album. It's good.)
- Eyes Set To Kill - The Listening. (Listen to their new album, Broken Frames. (Y))
- Miss May I - Relentless Chaos
- Motionless In White - We Only Come Out At Night
- Camera Obscura - French Navy & Lunar Sea
- The Script - For The First Time
- Cat Power - Wonderwall (Oasis cover)
- Sienna Skies - Breathe
- Lights - Jess And Jonny
- Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
- The Album Leaf - Always For You
- Metric - Sick Muse
- Keane - Crystal Ball
- The Maine - Inside Of You
- My Chemical Romance - Ghost Of You (Something back from 2004, hehe)
- Silver Griffin - Baby
- Playradioplay! - Madi Don't Leave
Okay okay that's enough. Adieu xx