Hello people :)
Yes, right now, it's holiday for a week. And gosh, I miss school. Unbelievable right ? But, I'm serious. I think it'll be less bored if we're in school. Y'know, there are friends and all :) I miss Aneesa the pain in the ass, Fahmi with his veryvery funny face and jokes, Fadhli's face that's full of POPS :D , Danial with his 'woohoo' and I miss singing with him. Oh oh, I miss watching Danial and Fahmi, these guys who are sitting in front of me, fight. Danial will hit Fahmi and Fahmi will say, " why ?! ". Yerppp, mmg typical. Mcm Ah Long tgh belasah orang yg tak bayar hutang :s HAHAHA
AAAAHHHHH RINDU KORANG WEHH :') although, baru je hari Isnin. Harhar xD
Omg, tak sabar nak start sekolah. Boleh la nak tergila-gila ngan manusia manusia merengs ni :D BUT BUT BUT, FINAL TERM IS COMING IN LIKE .. 2 WEEKS ! :O uhh tak best. I have to study, although it's holiday. And you know what, I can't concentrate. Uhh, fail la final term ni ): And if that happens, my dad won't buy the SLR camera )':
Hazwani Batuu
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