Thursday, September 18, 2008

you're a loser too

attention; hidup semakin bosan dan semakin tak best :|

today, aduih bosan gileee ! Danial didnt come to school so Fahmi was lonely and quiet. Thats why, BOSAN ! and my mood was like stressed up + pissed + etc etc .. YEAH ! grrr
oh and since i had migrain last monday , i cant do some things for now. and if i climb the stairs in school , sesak nafas. ARGHHHHH , CANT LIFE GETS ANY WORSE ?! :@

Yesterday, was quite okay. Pn.Felicity was in a good mood ( THANK GOD ! ) , so her class was fun too *thumbs up*
First ; meja roboh. HAHA ! i'm innocent okay ? i was talking to Danial and Fahmi while putting my head on the desk. suddenly, BAM! , tgk bawah meja, buku smue kat atas lantai. i was like, " oh shoot, im dead ! "
yeahh , SORRY LILIA ! lol :)
and at that time, i was kinda hyper. i got my karangan book and i looked at one of the karangan in the book. there was only a big tick and "A.Baik" . ape lagi, bangga lah !
Me : fadhli fadhli , aku dpt amat baik. tak ade kesalahan. hebat siot karangan aku ni *big fat smile*
Fadhli : *muke dont care*
Me : danial danial , aku hebat . karangan tak ade kesalahan. hehehe
Danial : haa ye ye
Me : fahmi fahmi, look look. i dont have any mistakes for my karangan. cool right ?
Fahmi : * the wth look*
Me : shasha shasha, tgk . i dpt amat baik and tak ade kesalahan for this karangan. cool kan ? *big fat smile*
Shasha : umm tu bukan ke karangan yg kitorang salin dari buku Blog A ?
Me : oh yeke ?! HAHAHHAHAHAHA, padan la tak salah langsung. ahhh bongok nye i . HAHAHAHA
see how hyper i was ? and i kept calling Danial, Fahmi and Fadhli , so they planned not to react to any of my calls. yerp , Fadhli said, " weh jgn layan Hazwani "
sakit hati -.-"

and then , Fadhli was sitting with HER. alone alone la kan. i lepak with Danial and Fahmi.
then i told Danial , " eh jom kacau Fadhli . kita terkejutkan die, ckp " MAKSIAT! ". JOM JOM ! " . Danial agreed :)
so , we surprised Fadhli. FADHLI MELATAH :D ahahahaha. but melatah mencarut punye la -.-" bad influence, puasa tak thumbs up. ish ish ish
so yeah , mmg best kacau Fadhli bile die tgh dating dlm kelas. HAHA XD
oh oh , Fahmi and I usha Bob :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA , tak ade keje siot. well, usha Bob, we dont get that hottie pleasure but we laughed.
hahaha what ? usha bob , lawak arh . serious shit !

The Hebat Bishes and Gaylords whom I share laughters with :
Aneesa - tukang buat lawak, HAHA
Fadhli - tukang kene katai "MAKSIAT ! " haha
Fahmi - tukang buat lawak jugak
Danial - best nyanyi dengan die

we're always together at the back of the class <3>

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