Okay, I'm bored. No no, I'm extremely bored
Sabrina's out somewhere, Sofia's doing ermm, I dont know what she's doing hahaha, Dydy's going out
So technically, they're offline. Dudes pun sama je lah. Semua offline -.-
Maybe I'll go offline after this lah before I die of extreme boredom
Oh oh ! Up there, up there ! :D That's Oliver Sykes
Comel hahaha. He's from Bring Me The Horizon punya band - screamo lah
Seriously man, comel grr HAHA
Yesterday was fun, hanging out with girlfriends and guy friends
After not seeing Sarah, Intan, Sofia and Sabrina for weeks, oh boy, yesterday was worth it
Had our laughs, made a lot of noise and all. Went to the toilet for umph, a few times, to buang air and all but ended up lepak there for awhile. Hahaha
Watched Inkheart and then went to Teh Tarik Place. Oh and the guys were Asyraf, Khidhir, Azrie (form 5) and Razif. But Razif and Sofia went separate ways
Fadhli and Azrie Julia (form 3) joined us later
Yea, there were 2 Azrie(s) . Soo, the form 3 Azrie, I'll write him as Azrie Julia while the form 5 Azrie, well, just Azrie. Haha. Okay ? Alright hahaha
AzrieJulia Me
Ish mana diorang ni ? Ckp depan forever 21, tak ade pun
Oh tu haaa *pointing in front of Lovely Lace*
Eh i tau la i pendek and you're tall so, it's obvious i tak boleh npk since ade crowd kat depan
Hahahaha lompat la, lompat *jumping*
Wow, that works -.- Hahahaha
Seriously, standing beside AzrieJulia or just in between Fadhli and AzrieJulia, make me feel so short ):
How sad hahaha
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