So, today is his birthday ( 4th January )
I sent him a msg at 12.00 am. EXACTLY ! I thought I'll be the first one or maybe top 3 to wish him but dammit, I was number 6 :(
Tak pe tak pe, nnt aku bunuh 5 orang tu, then aku jadi number 1 >:D *evil laughs*
I told him, that if I'm extra nice, I'll write a longer speech kat blog
So Fadhli, aku extra baik ah ni kan ? Haha, so, belanja aku makan tau :DD
I hate it cause you're my first friend to feel the pleasure of being 14. Seriously :@
I'm proud to say that you're my only guyfriend from std.1 who is still my friend till now. No, I mean, bestfriend.
So, dah 8 tahun lah kan kitorang kawan kan :)
Memories, wuish. I can somehow make a book with all those memories man. Haha
But kau ingat tak, masa std. 1, aku sorang je lepak ngan kau and the other dudes. Haha, masa rehat, kitorang lepak dalam class, susun kerusi memanjang kat belakang kelas. Pastu jump over the chairs. Haha. Kau lompat pastu jatuh, mmg best kan ?
Std. 2 pulak, aku selalu tunggu kau kat depan class. Nampak je batang hidung kau, aku terus kejar, bersama sama dengan Dayang. Kau ikut jalan lain pun, kantoi gak, HAHA. And yes, that went on almost every morning. So yeah, we'll be chasing each other like Tom & Jerry, in the morning, recess time and when it was time to go home. Sah sihat kan ? Masa dinner PIBG pun, kejar gak. Hahaha. Aku sure kitorang sihat gile tahun tu :s
Zaman muda muda yg best ah >:)
Std. 4, 5 and 6, rapat jugaaakkk
I just realized that you're actually a pain in the ass and you have a temper. Scary but well, aku dah biase dah *muka bangga*
Betapa sakit hatinye kau ni, aku still BAIK, jadi kawan kau. Kalau tak, aku buat tak kenal je tau, hehe
I know, aku baik. Kau pun syg aku ;D HAHAHA
Although kau petik nama aku kalau kau nak keluar ke ape ( padahal aku tak keluar ngan kau pun -.- ), aku still kawan ngan kau :@
You owe me man. You OWE me
So, those are just few things that I can remember right now. Ala aku ingat sikit tak ape. Kau kene ingat semue tau, hehehe
And I know, we're not in the same class anymore but aku harap, kau jgn kerek ngan aku. Buat buat tak kenal ke ape kan -.- Haaa, haha
To dear bloggers, sorry cause mostly I write in BM. Ye la, since it's for Pop kan so yeah, ahaha. And byk 'aku' and 'kau'. Erkk, yeah :s
I just realized that you're actually a pain in the ass and you have a temper. Scary but well, aku dah biase dah *muka bangga*
Betapa sakit hatinye kau ni, aku still BAIK, jadi kawan kau. Kalau tak, aku buat tak kenal je tau, hehe
I know, aku baik. Kau pun syg aku ;D HAHAHA
Although kau petik nama aku kalau kau nak keluar ke ape ( padahal aku tak keluar ngan kau pun -.- ), aku still kawan ngan kau :@
You owe me man. You OWE me
- We had a few fights right ? Tu pun tak tahan berapa hari pun, hahaha :')
- Kau ade a HUGE apettite. Geli aku tgk kau makan sometimes. Macam caveman baru masuk zaman moden, or orang yg tak makan setahun
- Because of the pimples on your face, I sometimes call you Pop. And I think you're used to it already. Cause masa first time aku panggil kau Pop, kau mengamuk cm orang gila kot. Terus tak layan :(
- You still listen to me when I tell you about that guy. When I'm sad about it and all and Im sure that you're annoyed cause sometimes, kau mmg tak nak kesah pun. Haha but I still continue my babbling ;)
- When I told you that I was adopted, HAHA, I didn't wanna say it so I showed you this hand gestures that sorta make sense I guess ? And smpai skarang, kau still ingat. Sometimes kau buat lawak ngan cara aku bagitau tu -.-
- Masa primary school, I'm the one who was taller. You were the shorty and I was the erm.. tall one. And now, you're the galah, I'm the tongkat :( Tak pe tak pe, ade sebab ( bukan terbantut okay )
- Kitorang semue selalu panggil kau ( or you can say it as, mengejek ) , Fadhli Fadhlo, Fadhli makan telur :)
- And till today, kau selalu jadi orang yg aku selalu pukul :') Favourite spot aku pukul kau is your back. Cause that's where it hurts the most right ? Oops rahsia kau terbongkar. Lepas ni sah banyak orang pukul belakang kau :D
So, those are just few things that I can remember right now. Ala aku ingat sikit tak ape. Kau kene ingat semue tau, hehehe
And I know, we're not in the same class anymore but aku harap, kau jgn kerek ngan aku. Buat buat tak kenal ke ape kan -.- Haaa, haha
Speech ni panjang kan ? Agree or die
I told you that I'll post a long speech for you, since it's your birthday. So here it is !
I know, aku kawan kau yg paling baik (:0 HAHA
I told you that I'll post a long speech for you, since it's your birthday. So here it is !
I know, aku kawan kau yg paling baik (:0 HAHA
To dear bloggers, sorry cause mostly I write in BM. Ye la, since it's for Pop kan so yeah, ahaha. And byk 'aku' and 'kau'. Erkk, yeah :s
awwww , comel la you actually wrote a post fr him , bapak panjang lak tuu haha
hahaha i dah cm ckp kat dier. kalau i baik sgt, i akan post. so i baik gile arh tu :D
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