Check out this dude's Flickr. I'll give two thumbs up on his photography :)
Currently listening to ; Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records on
Check out this dude's Flickr. I'll give two thumbs up on his photography :)
Currently listening to ; Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records on
That song is relaxing !
Haha okay, I'm tired
I stayed back at school til around 6 pm
Harisah told me that kawad will start at 2.30 til 4.30
Since it's early, I agreed to stay back. And I wanted to see the form ones march btw
Haha okay, I'm tired
I stayed back at school til around 6 pm
Harisah told me that kawad will start at 2.30 til 4.30
Since it's early, I agreed to stay back. And I wanted to see the form ones march btw
I heard, they suck. Sorry, but that's what I heard
It was 1.55 pm so I went to the bus stop to check if my mom was there already or not but she wasn't
And Harisah told me,
And Harisah told me,
Eh, kawad start pukul 4.30 cause ceramah form 5 habis pukul 4.30
I didn't want to wait in school and act like some jobless people til 4.30
But then she said that Azi, Azim, Arif and herself, were going to Makbul or Mosin
I was thinking that if I go home, there'll be nothing for me to do. I'll be sleeping
So I agreed to stay back
We were hanging out at the dewan terbuka before going to Makbul
There were bunch of form ones pengawas percubaan
Lambat gila lah. Baru je pilih pengawas percubaan
Since Cikgu Fairul was there and the form ones were doing their duty rooster thingy, Harisah, Azi and I made a visit hahaha
But then she said that Azi, Azim, Arif and herself, were going to Makbul or Mosin
I was thinking that if I go home, there'll be nothing for me to do. I'll be sleeping
So I agreed to stay back
We were hanging out at the dewan terbuka before going to Makbul
There were bunch of form ones pengawas percubaan
Lambat gila lah. Baru je pilih pengawas percubaan
Since Cikgu Fairul was there and the form ones were doing their duty rooster thingy, Harisah, Azi and I made a visit hahaha
Harisah : *melatah*-Ey babi
Ey sounds like 'A'
Cikgu Fairul : Ape 'Ey babi' ? 'A' untuk ayam lah. 'B' untuk babi. Ape la kamu ni. Tak kan la 'A' babi. 'B' pulak untuk ape ?
Me : Hahaha cikgu, 'B' baru la untuk ayam !
Ey sounds like 'A'
Cikgu Fairul : Ape 'Ey babi' ? 'A' untuk ayam lah. 'B' untuk babi. Ape la kamu ni. Tak kan la 'A' babi. 'B' pulak untuk ape ?
Me : Hahaha cikgu, 'B' baru la untuk ayam !
Hahaha Cikgu Fairul can be a funny ass sometimes
Cikgu Fairul : Eh, die tu adik awak eyh ?
Me : *looking at the dude teacher's pointing at* Huh ? Saya tak ade adik la cikgu
Cikgu Fairul : Oh, die nampak mcm awak. Hahaha
Me : Haha cikgu, sumpah muke lain gila. Cuba bezakan sebelah sebelah -.-
Me : *looking at the dude teacher's pointing at* Huh ? Saya tak ade adik la cikgu
Cikgu Fairul : Oh, die nampak mcm awak. Hahaha
Me : Haha cikgu, sumpah muke lain gila. Cuba bezakan sebelah sebelah -.-
I swear to God, there's no resemblance at all !
We walked to Makbul around 2.30
I was wearing a black tudung and PP uniform and wow, it was friggin' hot !
It was a relief when we reached Makbul. I chose a table in front the big fan *lap peluh*
Haha, air baru je sampai, dah habis in a few minutes. Kitorang cam vacuum kan Azi ? Hahaha
I was full. Me and Azi bukak kancing seluar kot hehehe. No, not the zip too -.-
If you were there, and you looked at our table when we were going to leave, there were around 10 glasses I guess ?
We walked to Makbul around 2.30
I was wearing a black tudung and PP uniform and wow, it was friggin' hot !
It was a relief when we reached Makbul. I chose a table in front the big fan *lap peluh*
Haha, air baru je sampai, dah habis in a few minutes. Kitorang cam vacuum kan Azi ? Hahaha
I was full. Me and Azi bukak kancing seluar kot hehehe. No, not the zip too -.-
If you were there, and you looked at our table when we were going to leave, there were around 10 glasses I guess ?
Me : Weyh, kalau tgk kat gelas ni semue kan, rase cm kat bar ah
Everyone : Haha agak ahhhh *mumbling*
Me : Seriously, dah la gelas cm gelas bir but smaller. Then banyak
Azim : Air dah la teh ais limau. Nampak macam bir kot !
Me : Yeah, cheers ! Hahaha
Everyone : Haha agak ahhhh *mumbling*
Me : Seriously, dah la gelas cm gelas bir but smaller. Then banyak
Azim : Air dah la teh ais limau. Nampak macam bir kot !
Me : Yeah, cheers ! Hahaha
Arif drank a combination of teh ais limau, teh o ais and milo ais. It was disgusting !
Oh ya, then the keling mamak people there, took 2 receipts that were left on the table
And started blaming us that we haven't pay yet
Arif had to pay for it. So he paid twice -.-
Sial punye mamak ling ling hahaha
In school around 3.45 pm and we did some 'interview' with the juniors ehehe
You know what, I was holding myself from going to the toilet and pee
Cause... When I went to the toilet, sumpah tak jadi nak kencing
Kotor -.-
Oh ya, then the keling mamak people there, took 2 receipts that were left on the table
And started blaming us that we haven't pay yet
Arif had to pay for it. So he paid twice -.-
Sial punye mamak ling ling hahaha
In school around 3.45 pm and we did some 'interview' with the juniors ehehe
You know what, I was holding myself from going to the toilet and pee
Cause... When I went to the toilet, sumpah tak jadi nak kencing
Kotor -.-
Harisah : Nanti bagitau diorang, it was a quick pee hahaha
Then, form 5s were out of the hall
Harisah : Eh, sape yg tgh minum air tu huh ?
Me : *busy looking through Danial Rezzo's phone* huh ?
Harisah : Sape laaa yang tgh jalan and minum air tuuu ?
Me : *look to where Harisah's looking* Err, ntah, tak kenal
Me : *busy looking through Danial Rezzo's phone* huh ?
Harisah : Sape laaa yang tgh jalan and minum air tuuu ?
Me : *look to where Harisah's looking* Err, ntah, tak kenal
Hahaha bodoh gila ah. Buat buat tak kenal dia -.-
Alright, I'm off to watch Radit and Jani :D
Tatatititutu !
Alright, I'm off to watch Radit and Jani :D
Tatatititutu !
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