Hello arse,
Well actually, I'm not in the mood right now but I just feel like I wanna blog
I'll try my best to get to the homework later
So just now,
I was looking through my blog
As for your information, this will be my 158th post. A lot huh ?
And my first post was on the 6th August 2008. Dah berkurun lama la jugak kan
Anyway yeah, I was reading the posts
Lots of ups and downs, seriously
I mean, there were posts about how happy I was in school, last year. All the laughs and craps with Fahmi, Danial and Fadhli
But then, there were posts on how miserable I was. Of course and obviously, it was about him
I was a bit screwed up and pathetic huh ?
Reading all about it, made me remember every moment that happened. Every ups and every downs
I was thinking, I don't think that at the time I wrote the posts and right now, right this second, there's any difference. Nope, no difference at all
Just another pathetic, bummed, screwed up feeling I had and I'm having
I wonder, til when will this be going on ?
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