Hazwani's reporting for duty *salute*
I hate sneezing cause it's superbly uncomfortable
Haisho *cursing*
T-t-t-t-today's papers are okay kot ?
For arts, I did question number 1 which was..
Lukiskan setangkai bunga raya. Gunakan garisan yang sesuai untuk memberi ilusi bentuk.
Mama drew an example yesterday and it was nice :)
While I practiced on drawing it, Video Called with Fahmi to see his drawing
Yes his drawings are unbeatable ( Jangan kembang bontot 100m Fahmi ! )
Anyway, my drawing turned out okay I think
And somehow, Izreen's bunga raya looked a bit similar to mine but mine's nicer la. Hehehe
Finished a bit early so had time to revise on Science
But it turned out we didn't really study. Wasted a bit of time on talking things that obviously, didn't have anything about Science
And I've just realized that Shar is easily fascinated with stationaries and she said, she had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder !
Oh wait ! During Arts exam, Miss Aniza was in the class
So fosho, we had the 'freedom' to walk around, talk and just act like it's not even exam ! Hahaha
*Luen was asking me questions on Science while I was drawing*
Miss Aniza : Luen, jangan tanya Hazwani. Tanya Harisah, dia tak tahu apa apa
Me : Hahahaha
Harisah : Eh I dah pernah try minum susu lembu. Tak sedap
Me : Oh kambing ?
Harisah : Tak, lembu
Miss Aniza : Oh Harisah minum susu lembu, padan la sekarang dia macam ni [Insert : Yknow, agak berisi. Sorry Harisot ]
Harisah : Ye la, tak kan la susu ayam kot
Miss Aniza : Luen, jangan tanya Hazwani. Tanya Harisah, dia tak tahu apa apa
Me : Hahahaha
Harisah : Eh I dah pernah try minum susu lembu. Tak sedap
Me : Oh kambing ?
Harisah : Tak, lembu
Miss Aniza : Oh Harisah minum susu lembu, padan la sekarang dia macam ni [Insert : Yknow, agak berisi. Sorry Harisot ]
Harisah : Ye la, tak kan la susu ayam kot
That made me think - Ayam ada susu ke ? :s
Remains a mystery hahahaha
Had around an hour after recess, before Science paper 2 started
So studied with Izreen and Fareez and Harisah joined us for only awhile
[ Insert : Guess what ! Yesterday, I tried to feel the hole from the nose that connects to the throat. So I tried feeling it with my finger and I felt it a bit ! Cool haha ]
Science paper 2 was so-so. There were a few questions that left me hanging but I survived, I

It made me smile with a twisted mind though :B
And now, only 2 papers to go. 2 PAPERS ONLY !
By the meaning of that, 1.10 p.m tomorrow will be the last time you bastards will see me in school :D
Pfftt unless we bump into each other out there, somewhere, which I hope not hahaha
And I'll be seeing your 'purdy' faces after 2 weeks
Don't worry, I won't forget who the hell are you and all
I'll give you a cardiac arrest when you see this face, Hazwani's face (!) in school after the holidays
Muahaha >:)
When the clock strikes 1.10 p.m, let's party like there's no tomorrow !
Roger and out xx
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bangga bontot kembang 101m
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