This is my second post and let's just say, I'm bored okay
I want to spice things up ! And I was reading my old posts and they were pretty boring
Considering they were only filled with words which were quite nonsensical sometimes hahaha
To cheer up my stupid blog right here, I'll just insert pictures, sometimes
That will make it a bit colourful right ? Rather than just the colour of my header and fonts
So, what should I talk about here ?
Oh oh ! I love to randomly search for pictures at Flickr
You know, I can just look at the pictures which are taken by photographers who are very talented, of course
And that makes me go all dreamy and wish that I have the talent to take purdy pictures
But then, I'll just snap out of it and think, " Ala, camera DSLR or SLR pun tak ade, nak berangan ambik gambar lawa lawa "
Hahahaha it's true though
Next topic,
What's wrong with people nowadays ?
Is it me or them who has issues ?
I think I have problems with them cause they're just.. F-ed up I guess ?
Before this, I had enormous issues with people with gigantic size of ego, hypocrites and backstabbers and a few other stupid attitudes
And now, I just don't understand why, out of a sudden, you bitches have a problem with us not being honest during the exam ?
Last year, I don't think that you guys had any problem with cheating cause you guys were sorta cheating too, a bit
And suddenly, you guys have a grudge towards my friends and I because we cheat
You started talking about it and whenever my friend approach you guys, you shut your chatter or just change the topic ?
Hey, we may be stupid during the exam which makes us cheat but we're not stupid on getting fooled
And it's not like we're the only people who are cheating. One of you guys' boyfriend is cheating too and I don't hear that you have a problem with that !
C'mon, be mature, think wisely. If you hate us, if you have something that you're not satisfied with, say it in front of our face la
Pussy -.-
Nasib baik aku memang tak suka korang sangat (Y)
So take it this way - I'm like a time bomb and you guys were pretty close on making me blow up
I love school. I love talking to Izreen, who's most probably a semi-sex maniac harhar. I love listening to Luen mumbling away with his lame jokes. I love hitting Harisah as if she's a punching bag. I love and hate seeing Boon being a geek
Just a lot of things that can make me smile in school
When I cried in school last week, they were the one who cheered me up. Izreen was the one who asked me, why did I cry ? Supportive much ? Haha
And so, I agree with the term " Sekolah ialah rumah nombor dua kita "
Thinking of it, it is true not just because of the reason above. It's also because we spend around 7 hours in school, for 5 days
That's long ! But sometimes it doesn't feel long at all, really
Finishing this post ( which is most probably a waste of time kot ? ) with a few conversations -
Considering they were only filled with words which were quite nonsensical sometimes hahaha
To cheer up my stupid blog right here, I'll just insert pictures, sometimes
That will make it a bit colourful right ? Rather than just the colour of my header and fonts
So, what should I talk about here ?
Oh oh ! I love to randomly search for pictures at Flickr
You know, I can just look at the pictures which are taken by photographers who are very talented, of course
And that makes me go all dreamy and wish that I have the talent to take purdy pictures
But then, I'll just snap out of it and think, " Ala, camera DSLR or SLR pun tak ade, nak berangan ambik gambar lawa lawa "

Next topic,
What's wrong with people nowadays ?
Is it me or them who has issues ?
I think I have problems with them cause they're just.. F-ed up I guess ?
Before this, I had enormous issues with people with gigantic size of ego, hypocrites and backstabbers and a few other stupid attitudes
And now, I just don't understand why, out of a sudden, you bitches have a problem with us not being honest during the exam ?
Last year, I don't think that you guys had any problem with cheating cause you guys were sorta cheating too, a bit
And suddenly, you guys have a grudge towards my friends and I because we cheat
You started talking about it and whenever my friend approach you guys, you shut your chatter or just change the topic ?
Hey, we may be stupid during the exam which makes us cheat but we're not stupid on getting fooled
And it's not like we're the only people who are cheating. One of you guys' boyfriend is cheating too and I don't hear that you have a problem with that !
C'mon, be mature, think wisely. If you hate us, if you have something that you're not satisfied with, say it in front of our face la
Pussy -.-
Nasib baik aku memang tak suka korang sangat (Y)
So take it this way - I'm like a time bomb and you guys were pretty close on making me blow up
I love school. I love talking to Izreen, who's most probably a semi-sex maniac harhar. I love listening to Luen mumbling away with his lame jokes. I love hitting Harisah as if she's a punching bag. I love and hate seeing Boon being a geek
Just a lot of things that can make me smile in school
When I cried in school last week, they were the one who cheered me up. Izreen was the one who asked me, why did I cry ? Supportive much ? Haha
And so, I agree with the term " Sekolah ialah rumah nombor dua kita "
Thinking of it, it is true not just because of the reason above. It's also because we spend around 7 hours in school, for 5 days
That's long ! But sometimes it doesn't feel long at all, really
Finishing this post ( which is most probably a waste of time kot ? ) with a few conversations -
Me : Ergh, I feel like I want to *showing hand gestures of crushing a head*
Luen : Crushing her head ? Haha chill. Think of something else. Maybe about beating Boon in every subjects, HAH ! Erm, think.. Think.. Oh, think about getting laid *grins + horny face*
Me and Harisah : HAHAHAHA
Izreen : Harisah, anak gugur kau macam mana ?
Hazwani : Heh, anak gugur ?
Izreen : Kan semalam tumbuk kat perut
Hazwani : Oh ! Hahahaha
Harisah : Eh Hazwani, I dah tak period 2 months
Hazwani : Serious shit ?! Izreen Izreen, Harisah dah tak period 2 months. Dia mengandung !
Izreen : Kan dah cakap, dia mengandung. But dah gugur hahahaha
*I was half-asleep at my desk, then I heard someone pulled a chair and sat in front of me. It was Izreen and his eyes looked like it was going to pop out and he was smiling*
Me : What is wrong with you ?
Izreen : *popping out eyes and smiling*
Me : Apehal you ni ?! Haha -.- Tau la I mata sepet, tak payah la hina !
Luen : Crushing her head ? Haha chill. Think of something else. Maybe about beating Boon in every subjects, HAH ! Erm, think.. Think.. Oh, think about getting laid *grins + horny face*
Me and Harisah : HAHAHAHA
Izreen : Harisah, anak gugur kau macam mana ?
Hazwani : Heh, anak gugur ?
Izreen : Kan semalam tumbuk kat perut
Hazwani : Oh ! Hahahaha
Harisah : Eh Hazwani, I dah tak period 2 months
Hazwani : Serious shit ?! Izreen Izreen, Harisah dah tak period 2 months. Dia mengandung !
Izreen : Kan dah cakap, dia mengandung. But dah gugur hahahaha
*I was half-asleep at my desk, then I heard someone pulled a chair and sat in front of me. It was Izreen and his eyes looked like it was going to pop out and he was smiling*
Me : What is wrong with you ?
Izreen : *popping out eyes and smiling*
Me : Apehal you ni ?! Haha -.- Tau la I mata sepet, tak payah la hina !
xx Hello Komsas books !
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