I'm flying through time back to the taste of reminisce.
Hi, how are you doing ? Alhamdulillah, I'm calmer than yesterday. Thanks to the school hours with the shmucks I guess :)
School was a bore since we didn't really do anything. I should've skipped school today but I know that couldn't happen. Ze parents are not a big fan of me playing truant. So yeah. I can only do that once in awhile. Tu pun kena tipu sebab. It's either I'll say that we won't learn in school cause we will be having some kind of activity. Or, there are visitors coming so the teachers will be busy that they will be missing in action from class. HEHE alasan semua agak bodoh bodoh but hey, I've hit the jackpots quite a few times and yes, I'm proud of it 8)
Relief teachers came in for each period of English so Harisah, Shar, Miera and I updated each other on what the hell happened for the past less than 24 hours. Banyak la jugak cerita and I tell you this ; Dalam satu hari, tak sah kalau Harisah tak cakap, "I ada cer !" or if you want it to be more dramatic, it goes like, "OMG I ada cer !". Then you'll be updated (Y)
Art class is different now cause well, the teacher is different. Usually, we'll just be on our honeymoon during Arts cause that teacher won't be in and all. But now, since the teacher is different, I hate arts more :')
When Miera, Fafa and I were calling Shar and Harisah from the music room, they were playing gamelan and it was uber cool. It was like *showing hand movements* and *doing the sound*. God, it was so cool !
We weren't doing anything during Science so Harisah and I went out with Miss Anniza's permission of course, to see Cikgu Fadzli then we had to photostat some things and managed to get back to class 20 minutes before KH period. Chilled for a second.
Continued doing the Lukisan Keratan Penuh but I wasn't sitting with Hafiz Firuz. Instead, I was sitting with Shyahirah and Shasha. So I was rather quiet, tak ada talking partner. The bright side was, I finished my drawing which was a practice and also the real drawing :') Suka gila sebab before that rasa macam tak sempat je nak habiskan semua benda right on time. Tengok tengok dapat habiskan macam 1 setengah lukisan :')))
Since I was getting the hang of it, it was sorta easy and a smooth ride drawing the real one. No sweating bullets like before.
Though, today I didn't really get to spend much time with the boys especially Luen and Izreen. I feel like we barely talk today, just a bit :/ Aiyo, tak apa, esok ada !
My aunt and cousin who have been in the States for a few years are here already (?). And they'll come and break fast with us tomorrow :)
Unfortunately, my uncle can't make it cause he'll be having a meeting. Geez he's a busy bee ! I hope he'll come back next month *finger crossed*
School was a bore since we didn't really do anything. I should've skipped school today but I know that couldn't happen. Ze parents are not a big fan of me playing truant. So yeah. I can only do that once in awhile. Tu pun kena tipu sebab. It's either I'll say that we won't learn in school cause we will be having some kind of activity. Or, there are visitors coming so the teachers will be busy that they will be missing in action from class. HEHE alasan semua agak bodoh bodoh but hey, I've hit the jackpots quite a few times and yes, I'm proud of it 8)
Relief teachers came in for each period of English so Harisah, Shar, Miera and I updated each other on what the hell happened for the past less than 24 hours. Banyak la jugak cerita and I tell you this ; Dalam satu hari, tak sah kalau Harisah tak cakap, "I ada cer !" or if you want it to be more dramatic, it goes like, "OMG I ada cer !". Then you'll be updated (Y)
Art class is different now cause well, the teacher is different. Usually, we'll just be on our honeymoon during Arts cause that teacher won't be in and all. But now, since the teacher is different, I hate arts more :')
When Miera, Fafa and I were calling Shar and Harisah from the music room, they were playing gamelan and it was uber cool. It was like *showing hand movements* and *doing the sound*. God, it was so cool !
We weren't doing anything during Science so Harisah and I went out with Miss Anniza's permission of course, to see Cikgu Fadzli then we had to photostat some things and managed to get back to class 20 minutes before KH period. Chilled for a second.
Continued doing the Lukisan Keratan Penuh but I wasn't sitting with Hafiz Firuz. Instead, I was sitting with Shyahirah and Shasha. So I was rather quiet, tak ada talking partner. The bright side was, I finished my drawing which was a practice and also the real drawing :') Suka gila sebab before that rasa macam tak sempat je nak habiskan semua benda right on time. Tengok tengok dapat habiskan macam 1 setengah lukisan :')))
Since I was getting the hang of it, it was sorta easy and a smooth ride drawing the real one. No sweating bullets like before.
Though, today I didn't really get to spend much time with the boys especially Luen and Izreen. I feel like we barely talk today, just a bit :/ Aiyo, tak apa, esok ada !
My aunt and cousin who have been in the States for a few years are here already (?). And they'll come and break fast with us tomorrow :)
Unfortunately, my uncle can't make it cause he'll be having a meeting. Geez he's a busy bee ! I hope he'll come back next month *finger crossed*
p.s : Pelik, kenapa tetiba my Hit Counter tu dah 11900+ ? Semalam baru 1000+
Weird shit hahaha :s
p.p.s : It's annoying when people are being nosy and such a busybody, giving a damn about other people's life.
p.p.p.s : I hope you get a good knock on your head. You were on my nerves cause I absolutely hate people thinking that I'm weak on defending myself or fighting for my rights but thank God I haven't reached my temper limit. You can kiss the ground if you have to. Kau macam tak biasa kena kutuk je -.-
Weird shit hahaha :s
p.p.s : It's annoying when people are being nosy and such a busybody, giving a damn about other people's life.
p.p.p.s : I hope you get a good knock on your head. You were on my nerves cause I absolutely hate people thinking that I'm weak on defending myself or fighting for my rights but thank God I haven't reached my temper limit. You can kiss the ground if you have to. Kau macam tak biasa kena kutuk je -.-
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