Let me get this straight. I ain't stupid nor am I smart. I have brain and I use that part that I am grateful of wisely, rather than being brainless or being someone who doesn't use her brain. So, I don't need anyone to say that I am immature cause as far as I know, yes, I am immature. And I don't need another human being to tell me something that I already know. It's just annoying and it's as if you're referring me as stupid and at the same time, you're actually underestimating and insulting God's creation. If you're smart, you'll think that everyone that God creates is smart. Even those people whom you considered as stupid, are smart. In their own ways.
Even if you're old enough, even if you're already 17 or 18 ( not referring to anyone ), don't really think that you're already mature. Fine, you might think maturely at times but that doesn't prove that you are actually mature. Everyone can think maturely. Making a decision by yourself is called as a mature move. Think of what's right and wrong is a mature move. But from what I learn from my folks, being independent, wise and successful marks the maturity in yourself.
I'm sick and tired of people calling me immature. Sure, I was wrong for saying that I'm already a matured girl. Don't you think because of me, thinking that I was mature, proves that I'm actually still immature ? Because of me being immature, I thought I was mature. Get it ?
Well, I've just realized, that I said I was mature was because I made my decisions by myself.
After I fathom it out, that's when I snap out of the thoughts of me being mature and keep in mind that I'm not. And by the way, I'm only fourteen for god's sake ! This is the age where I have fun. I'm not even fully a teenager yet. Let alone being a matured girl.
As a matter of fact, I still have the mind of a little kid cause sometimes I sleep with my mom, sometimes I ask mom to get rid of fish bones for me, sometimes I run around like a small kid, sometimes I get excited like a small kid who just received a lollipop.
I might not be mature yet, but that doesn't mean or prove that I'm stupid in making my own decisions, thinking on what's right and wrong.
No, I'm not mature.. not just yet :)
So, stop repeating the friggin' message cause I've programmed "I'm Still Immature" into my system, hookay ?
yeah, you go can only be young once but you could always be mature. i live by that rule.
yeah, we could always be mature but we are mature inside and out later. not now, not yet.
but your rule is good too (Y)
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