Mom and dad sent the brother to the bus station, I guess, around 11am cause he's going back to his university.While I arrived at OU 11am on the dot with my cousin, Kak Ain. Yes, she's staying at my house in the mean time cause she just came back from US. His dad will come here next week but I have a feeling both of 'em will be staying here cause she said her dad might be selling their house in DU.
Anyhoo, I followed Kak Ain to OU cause she wanted to buy her working clothes. We thought we would be walking around for hours cause she said she's a bit fussy on picking out clothes. Thanks to G2000, she bought her complete working suit there :) And it took us only less than an hour !
That means, we had more time to shop *joy oh joy*. At first we went through the awkward silence moment but then, we started talking and all.
Now I know, she loves shoes ! Whenever we passed by a shoe shop, she would say, "I can't look !" hahaha. Had lunch at Laksa Shack. It was my first time eating there so I orded Mee Curry. It was good (Y)
I bought a bag at Forever 21 and mom was searching for it just now hahaha. Baru je nak diam diam, tak nak dia tahu, tiba tiba dia jumpa beg plastic Forever 21 :(
I didn't get to buy any other nice stuff cause my purse was left with receipts. Hey, I'm saving my raya money okay !
I was a bit restless throughout our journey of wandering around that shopping mall since I haven't finished my Geography Folio and haven't printed out the information for KH. Screw you !
Thanks to my motivation and hardwork, I've finished my folio :D
I've just realized, it wasn't that hard if I actually concentrate hahaha. Yes, before this, I didn't care about this folio. At all.
I'll print it out and show it to teacher tomorrow. I hope it's fine, so that I won't have to edit it yada yada *fingers crossed*.
I'll be seeing familiar faces in school tomorrow cause that's when school starts. I can't wait but at the same time, I hate the fact that school's starting, in what.. 10 hours ? After 11 days ( I didn't go to school on Thursday which was the last day of school, hehe ) of waking up at around 9am or 10am, the routine of waking up at 6am will start again. Oh, I can feel the agony !
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