Today was one of those days that I spent by wasting my time :')
I woke up at 11am, drank Milo as always and marched right back into my room and watched TV. As you can see, I always lock myself up in my room and do whatever I wanna do. My room is my best friend :') Even my mom knows that. I heard my aunt and mom talked just now ;
Mak Lang : Wani gerenti lonely and bosan je dah tak ada orang kat rumah. Harris ngan kakak dah tak ada.
Mama : Tak langsung. Keje dia duduk dalam bilik je satu hari, turun bawah untuk makan. Kalau TV bilik dia ada orang tengah tengok, baru dia turun. Kalau tak, duduk je la dalam bilik dia buat apa pun tak tahu la.
Me : Mama betul, hahaha.
Mama : Tak langsung. Keje dia duduk dalam bilik je satu hari, turun bawah untuk makan. Kalau TV bilik dia ada orang tengah tengok, baru dia turun. Kalau tak, duduk je la dalam bilik dia buat apa pun tak tahu la.
Me : Mama betul, hahaha.
So, I stayed in my room til 2pm, without taking a bath HEHE, watched Hellboy 2 and Enchanted. OH OH, did I tell you that I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to watch Enchanted ? Man, suka gila gila gila gila la. Plus, one of the songs in the movie, So Close by Jon Mclaughlin is just.. touching :') Suka sangat, hehe.
Then, watched When A Stranger Calls for the 176593917593 times. Never get tired of it and it still freaks me out hahaha. I'm such a sucker when it comes to horror/thriller movies. Y'know, those kinds.
Hahaha, I was such a couch potato (Y)
Pak Teh arrived here at my house around 5pm. Talked a bit since it has been ages since the last time we met. Had lemang and rendang, albeit dah rasa macam muak tengok and makan rendang. Still devoured mom's cooking, haha.
It has been 1 month++ of not going out for a jog. God, how much I miss sweating ( this doesn't include sweating in school -.- ).
Stamina dah kurang tapi tak apa. Plus, there was a dog gone wild just now. Nasib dapat lari dulu, fuh.
Then, nothing much happened. Other than Pak Lang and the family was at my house to have tea-time with Pak Teh.
Damn, I have to start programming the word Study into my system cause final exam is starting in 3 weeks (?). I'm still blank and blur. Rajin pun tak, haih. Sumpah rasa malas gila, tengok buku je pun dah terus tak ada mood :(
Luen was right, I'm getting lazier and stupider ( Luen, I'm agreeing with you on me being stupider, just for now cause right now I'm feeling that way ).
I will study.
I have to study.
I must study !
Shitzo, dah boleh rasa the stress vibe overruling my body. Sweet -.-
Then, watched When A Stranger Calls for the 176593917593 times. Never get tired of it and it still freaks me out hahaha. I'm such a sucker when it comes to horror/thriller movies. Y'know, those kinds.
Hahaha, I was such a couch potato (Y)
Pak Teh arrived here at my house around 5pm. Talked a bit since it has been ages since the last time we met. Had lemang and rendang, albeit dah rasa macam muak tengok and makan rendang. Still devoured mom's cooking, haha.
It has been 1 month++ of not going out for a jog. God, how much I miss sweating ( this doesn't include sweating in school -.- ).
Stamina dah kurang tapi tak apa. Plus, there was a dog gone wild just now. Nasib dapat lari dulu, fuh.
Then, nothing much happened. Other than Pak Lang and the family was at my house to have tea-time with Pak Teh.
Damn, I have to start programming the word Study into my system cause final exam is starting in 3 weeks (?). I'm still blank and blur. Rajin pun tak, haih. Sumpah rasa malas gila, tengok buku je pun dah terus tak ada mood :(
Luen was right, I'm getting lazier and stupider ( Luen, I'm agreeing with you on me being stupider, just for now cause right now I'm feeling that way ).
I will study.
I have to study.
I must study !
Shitzo, dah boleh rasa the stress vibe overruling my body. Sweet -.-
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