It's a full house right now. Kak Ain took over kakak's room, kakak took over Harris' room so Harris has to sleep in the guest room. This house is rarely full so it feels a bit different now :)
How was your day ? My day was dull, sort of. Dragged my ass to school after missing 3 Mondays hahaha. Felt a bit weird wearing the prefects formal uniform. Assembly was longer cause the form 5s had this restu thingy where they ask for forgiveness from the teachers. I kept on telling Azi that there's a high chance that I'll cry next year when it's our form 3s turn. But, we'll see ;) Us prefects had our own too. We lined up at the back and the form 5s prefects asked for our forgiveness too. I almost cried but I didn't cause Azi was beside me, which made crying impossible hahaha. I didn't go into class at all today. Miera and I wandered around aimlessly the whole time. We didn't have anywhere else to go. It was raining so we couldn't sit at those round tables near teacher's room and teacher scolded us when we sat at the hall. So the only thing we could do was wander around while Harisah and Shar were stuck in the Bengkel KH since they haven't finished their work :D
My laptop here is half dead. Its fan is annoying cause it's noisy. But I have no idea when will I finish transferring all the pictures and songs into my thumb drives. Yes, I'm using 3 thumb drives. My songs do not fit into an 8G thumb drive hahaha. My brother went like, "Kau ni macam iTunes version manusia punya, belambak gila lagu". What to do, I love music hahaha.
Living around hypocrites ain't pretty. When you know that someone has been talking about you behind your back does actually make you feel like you have no one to trust anymore. But what's life if you don't trust anyone, no ? To be frank, I'm not even sure if I trust myself, if I believe in myself. Is that bad ? I think it is.
You know what, if I don't get to transfer everything into my thumb drive by tonight, I'll finish it up tomorrow. Then I'll be laptop-less for the next few days ): Oh what the hell, curi curi guna Harris punya hahaha. Then tomorrow I'll clean my room, organize everything, oh yeah. Oh and and, I have to make sure I have enough credit to wish the form 5s goodluck tomorrow. God, tomorrow will be a busy day. Tu pun, if nothing distracts me lah hahaha.
Tally ho !
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