"Life is such a fcking roller coaster then it drops,
but what should I scream for, this is my theme park."
but what should I scream for, this is my theme park."
Will blogging save me from dying of boredom ? I hope so. I've been asking myself "Where the hell is everyone ?!". It seems like they're actually digesting facts on History and Geography ( for Harisah ) and Maths ( for Miera ), while the others are just.. missing in action I suppose ?
I am just distracting myself from studying actually. But I will study, after this, pinky promise !
Hello world and all whom inhabit it !
After getting a day off from school yesterday, I said hello to school this morning which wasn't really the highlight of my day. But surprisingly, Tuesday went easy on me *wipes sweat*
Speaking of sweat (!), it was freaking hot like serious foshizzle ma nizzle. I thought by changing into my PJ clothes would save me from all the sweat but I was wrong. It made no difference. Nope, not even the slightest bit.
Despite not studying at all, I came home with a tired body and mind. I had no idea why was I so tired when I didn't even do anything in school !
What happened in school ? We had this ceremony on Minggu Anti-Dadah, retook BM paper cause we did badly, PJ which wasn't really PJ since we talked all the way through the lesson, received our Science paper back ( I vowed to study since my paper turned out bad even though I got an A. Mr. Nathan will kill me or maybe, turn me bald like him *gulp* ), discussed about the Geography folio and Amali.
Okay *rubs chin*, spent most of the time updating each other on things that happened on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
OH OH, it was my first time eating claypot in school :B It wasn't that bad you know. Yummy.
Luen was missing in action, again. I think he was busy with basketball. Haih, I need to burst into fits of laughter with that Irish lad ! We haven't been doing our routines lately.
What else ?
Oh right, mom doesn't give me the green light to get another pair of piercings. Why ? Because...
Mom : When you're married, you'll have two pairs of piercings. That is not nice.
Marriage has to be the reason ? PMR pun tak lepas lagi okay mama. Hahaha.
Dad listened to Pitbull instead of Michael Buble. This made me look dumb like Patrick Star for a moment.
Every time I'm in the car with my dad, he'll turn on his kinds of songs. Oh you know, jazz and all. Then he'll ask me, what's the genre of that current song on the radio and he'll tell me what's the difference between slow rock and blues or whatsoever. So, to avoid the I'm-Listening-To-That-Song-So-Change-It-Back conversation with dad, I let Michael Buble played his I Haven't Met You Yet and excused myself from listening to Shut It Down by Pitbull. Shock of my morning : Dad changed the radio station and he rather listened to Pitbull than Michael Buble. He even moved to the freaking beat !
Hmmm I think my dad wants to know how does it feel like to be young again hahahaha.
Zzz I am utterly tired !
Okay I have to babysit kakak's son. Gosh, he's just so cute, playing with his napkin ! Kesian mama kena jaga dia. So Imma be good auntie and entertain him hohoho.Ciao bella ♥
Now playing : Eyes Set To Kill - Reach.
Oh I miss Eyes Set To Kill :')
Oh I miss Eyes Set To Kill :')
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