"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. I could really use a wish right now."
B.o.b feat. Hayley Williams - Airplanes ♥
Hello snots, I just lost my mojo to blog.. again but what the heck, for the sake of saving myself from this never-ending boredom, I'm giving it a go.
It's only 12:03am but I'm feeling a tad sleepy already. I can't sleep yet, I've promised myself to study til morning, around 3am. Or maybe, I should start studying tomorrow night after I get a good long sleep tonight ? Wow, that sounds fantastic. I've gone haywire since I haven't been sleeping well. Either I don't sleep at all or I wake up after an hour or two hours of sleep. Yes, lack of sleep, that has been happening for the past few days. So, when Miera and Harisah said that I looked terrible in school just now, I totally understand. My eyes felt like swollen. Geez, I might get eyebags :O Then I'll look like those huge pandas *gulp*
I'm talking nonsense, save me before I continue being nonsensical.
My class and a few other students from Einstein and Rhazes were chosen as those who have the potential to get straight A's. So we had a small 'meeting' with the headmistress on Thursday which went well. It was quite motivating. I sort-of vowed to start studying but well, you know me. Procrastination and I are like best friends, unfortunately.
Albeit this freaks me out, I'm pleased to know that 51 of us were chosen as the ones teacher hopes to see getting straight A's.
I wonder,
Has everyone adapted the Being-Selfish-Is-Better-Than-Giving-A-Damn-About-Other-People attitude ? It seems to be so popular now and it is getting on my freaking nerves, I swear. You rather lie for your own sake than giving me a hand. You're happy but then, what about your friend's happiness ? None of your business, I know but then, aren't you suppose to be there for your friend, through thick and thin ? C'mon, you don't need a class on How To Be A Good Friend. I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out how to be one. First thing's first : Be there, no matter what. Lazy is not an excuse.
Frankly speaking, I don't wear tudung (as you guys can obviously see) and I don't really pray 5 times a day, not regularly. I don't think I'm the only one. I admit, I'm not a pious Muslim but that doesn't mean I'm categorized under the wild, spoiled brat girl who drinks, smokes or well, the list of what rapscallions always do goes on and on. I know my limits, of course. I might do things that I shouldn't do but I don't think they're that bad. Yes, I do curse a lot and I've been trying to fix myself every since, still trying still trying. Yes, I do lie to my parents but hey, who doesn't right ? It doesn't matter if it's a small lie or a huge lie, they're still considered as a lie right ? I have a lot of examples to list down but I'm getting blanker and blanker every second, zzz.
But the thing is, yes I'm not a pious Muslim. I don't wear tudung, I do wear tank tops and all but there are some girls who do wear tudung but their attitude are worse. There are those who aren't even a virgin anymore. Cardiac arrest much ? So c'mon, stop judging people. There are people who are a whole lot worse.
Now now, why am I feeling so restless right now ? I feel like there's something wrong. Am I being paranoid or what ?
I am sleepy so, sorry for any grammar mistakes or maybe I inserted too much nonsensical craps haha.
Oh whatever, to the bed mobile !
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