I've been panicking, thinking ' What if it'll turn out to be boring and we won't have anything to do ? '
I shouldn't have bothered on panicking and all lah actually hahaha
Because, it turned out to be great :D
Picked Izreen up at his house and off to OU with Sofia in the car too
Luen went there at 11.30 a.m and sorry Luen cause we went there around 12
"I'm sitting here.. Alone.. So.. Awkward"
Hahaha Luen send a text saying that, to me
Met up with Fadhli and Azrie at the arcade. Then, off to Nandos
There were,
After all our stomach was full, off we went to the arcade
Sabrina was the one with all the spirit
Hahaha Luen send a text saying that, to me
Met up with Fadhli and Azrie at the arcade. Then, off to Nandos
There were,
Me Izreen Fadhli Sabrina Sofia Luen Azrie
Izreen senyum sampai ke telinga, cause we were eating at Nandos ! HahahaAfter all our stomach was full, off we went to the arcade
Sabrina was the one with all the spirit
"Eh jom main Daytona" "Eh jom main tembak tembak" "Eh jom main basketball"
Yeap hahaha. When I was playing Daytona with Sabrina, Izreen changed place with me since I can't make the friggin' car to the right way -.-
So I watched them play Daytona and was texting Danial Ariff, since he was at OU too
Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and yes, it was Ariff
He said I look different. I didn't get to ask him, what does he mean by different, cause Sabrina dragged me with her to buy the tokens
He was missing in action when I got back. He went to OSC
Anyway, after spending our time at the arcade, we went to karaoke jamban
Yeap hahaha. When I was playing Daytona with Sabrina, Izreen changed place with me since I can't make the friggin' car to the right way -.-
So I watched them play Daytona and was texting Danial Ariff, since he was at OU too
Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and yes, it was Ariff
He said I look different. I didn't get to ask him, what does he mean by different, cause Sabrina dragged me with her to buy the tokens
He was missing in action when I got back. He went to OSC
Anyway, after spending our time at the arcade, we went to karaoke jamban
" Tgk muka Izreen, dah tak comfortable cause mecen punya pasal. Hahaha "
He disagreed on going to karaoke jamban. As you all should know, die anti-mecen. Same goes to his brother
Izreen said, " Mesti la anti. Nak jaga reputasi ". Hahaha
Karaoke was great ! I mean, yeah. We were screaming and shouting in a singing way, yknow ? Hahaha
Sorry but I can't really remember the songs
At first, we sang 5 songs, Sarah came with Harreyka
Went to play foosball. Sumpah sucks gila hahaha
Since Sarah joined us already, kena la lagi bersemangat and all :p
We went karaoke again and again, it was crazy
Damn it, my backbone spoiled the fun -.- I had to sit down for a while while Sarah, Sofia and Sabrina were jumping, dancing and all grrrr
Eeqa, Fendi and Razif came and after losing our voices, we wanted to fill our stomachs again, so jetty was the right place :D Haha
Azrieee ttdi called, asking me where was I. So he came to Jetty with Fikri and Ariff
The others went to the rooftop first while Sarah, Sabrina and I sat there and talked to Azrieee, Fikri and Ariff ( a bit ) for awhile
Unfortunately, Ariff had to go home early
We didn't really do anything at the rooftop. Just this and that haha
It was 5.30 pm already so we just walked around OU
I didn't get to buy anything from Forever 21 although I had money and I was in the shopping mood ):
Oh what the heck, there's still next time, I hope
At 6 o'clock, we went to Sulei
He disagreed on going to karaoke jamban. As you all should know, die anti-mecen. Same goes to his brother
Izreen said, " Mesti la anti. Nak jaga reputasi ". Hahaha
Karaoke was great ! I mean, yeah. We were screaming and shouting in a singing way, yknow ? Hahaha
Sorry but I can't really remember the songs
At first, we sang 5 songs, Sarah came with Harreyka
Went to play foosball. Sumpah sucks gila hahaha
Since Sarah joined us already, kena la lagi bersemangat and all :p
We went karaoke again and again, it was crazy
Damn it, my backbone spoiled the fun -.- I had to sit down for a while while Sarah, Sofia and Sabrina were jumping, dancing and all grrrr
Eeqa, Fendi and Razif came and after losing our voices, we wanted to fill our stomachs again, so jetty was the right place :D Haha
Azrieee ttdi called, asking me where was I. So he came to Jetty with Fikri and Ariff
The others went to the rooftop first while Sarah, Sabrina and I sat there and talked to Azrieee, Fikri and Ariff ( a bit ) for awhile
Unfortunately, Ariff had to go home early
We didn't really do anything at the rooftop. Just this and that haha
It was 5.30 pm already so we just walked around OU
I didn't get to buy anything from Forever 21 although I had money and I was in the shopping mood ):
Oh what the heck, there's still next time, I hope
At 6 o'clock, we went to Sulei
Sorry Sarah cause tertinggalkan you ! :/
Guess what, Fadhli ajak us to go to Sulei to pogo me -.-
Dimwit betul hahaha
I thought we were just hanging out there and all. But no, I was wrong
I was talking on the phone with Sabrina. She couldn't join us at Sulei
Anyway, then Fadhli called me to join him and the others
When I was walking towards them, they were smiling and a lot of things came through my mind. One of it was kene pogo
I was hesitating cause I saw a plastic near them and Sofia and Fadhli was putting their hand inside the plastic
I was unlucky I guess. Izreen was holding me and the 'fun' began grrr
Mcm kene hujan tepung hahaha
Rambut mcm beruban, baju part warna hitam jadi cm grey. Blegh
We were throwing flour to each other and I got Sofia's plastic bag of flour hehehe
After our flour finished, we settled down a bit
And the cardigan that I was wearing, if I shake it a bit, flour's everywhere
So I just shake it at Sarah since she was clean, flour-free :p
So we were at the Sulei til 7.20 pm like that
And guess what, althought I already took my bath and all, there's still hardened flour in my hair :@
Seriously, susah nak hilangkan cause dah keras kot

Guess what, Fadhli ajak us to go to Sulei to pogo me -.-
Dimwit betul hahaha
I thought we were just hanging out there and all. But no, I was wrong
I was talking on the phone with Sabrina. She couldn't join us at Sulei
Anyway, then Fadhli called me to join him and the others
When I was walking towards them, they were smiling and a lot of things came through my mind. One of it was kene pogo
I was hesitating cause I saw a plastic near them and Sofia and Fadhli was putting their hand inside the plastic
I was unlucky I guess. Izreen was holding me and the 'fun' began grrr
Mcm kene hujan tepung hahaha
Rambut mcm beruban, baju part warna hitam jadi cm grey. Blegh
We were throwing flour to each other and I got Sofia's plastic bag of flour hehehe
After our flour finished, we settled down a bit
And the cardigan that I was wearing, if I shake it a bit, flour's everywhere
So I just shake it at Sarah since she was clean, flour-free :p
So we were at the Sulei til 7.20 pm like that
And guess what, althought I already took my bath and all, there's still hardened flour in my hair :@
Seriously, susah nak hilangkan cause dah keras kot
All and all, today was fantastico ! :D
Pogo was just wrong ! Hahahaha but it was great, although my birthday is on Monday -.-
Well, thanks guys :) Sayang korang ah <3 You guys made everything merrier But the worse part is, there are people missing in action
For example : Dayang, Sabrina and Rafieqa :(
So, here are some pictures ;
Pogo was just wrong ! Hahahaha but it was great, although my birthday is on Monday -.-
Well, thanks guys :) Sayang korang ah <3 You guys made everything merrier But the worse part is, there are people missing in action
For example : Dayang, Sabrina and Rafieqa :(
So, here are some pictures ;
I am sleepy right now. I think it's because it's 3.28 a.m ( 22nd March )
Wow, I've been writing this post since 11 pm just now. Oh whatever hahaha
Shit, Sofia and Eeqa dah tido -.-
Alright, byebyee and erm.. Good Morning ? Hahaha
Wow, I've been writing this post since 11 pm just now. Oh whatever hahaha
Shit, Sofia and Eeqa dah tido -.-
Alright, byebyee and erm.. Good Morning ? Hahaha
Since it's already 22nd of March,
Baru fourteen years old. Belum sweet sixteen lagi -.- Hahaha gila
Baru fourteen years old. Belum sweet sixteen lagi -.- Hahaha gila
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