Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, 23rd March :D
Thank God, in school tak kene pogo. But, kene bully dgn Izreen
He hit me a lot of times and whenever I wanna hit him back, he said ' Eh, it's your birthday '. That made me change my mind on hitting him -.-
Anywayy, a lot of people wished me
A few gave me birthday presents. Dari segala bentuk lah hahaha ; video, drawing, money
Yeah and I would like to say, Thanks everyone :D I really really appriceate it
Anyway, here are the wishes, video, drawing and all :)
Thank God, in school tak kene pogo. But, kene bully dgn Izreen
He hit me a lot of times and whenever I wanna hit him back, he said ' Eh, it's your birthday '. That made me change my mind on hitting him -.-
Anywayy, a lot of people wished me
A few gave me birthday presents. Dari segala bentuk lah hahaha ; video, drawing, money
Yeah and I would like to say, Thanks everyone :D I really really appriceate it
Anyway, here are the wishes, video, drawing and all :)
Sofia and Sarah. Eeqa took the video <3
And this drawing is from Fahmi of course, Naufal Azim, Amirul Hakim and Hafiz Firuz a.k.a Atish
Wan Azrie gave me RM 100 on Saturday :)
Kakak gave me a shirt from Ti-Zed

*click to enlarge*
Wishes ; text messages :
Danial Ariff ; 11.29 pm
Weh i ngntk ah, wish awl ah. hppy birthda, ciau.
Dydy ; 11.46 pm - she wished at around 8 pm, called again at 11.40 pm and sent another text :o
Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday hazwaneee ! Jgn jd budak sial tauk kalau dh 14 ni. Haha ;p
AzrieGeyot ; 11.56 pm
Happy birthdayy ! Ececen sukaa je hahaha (:
Fikri ; 11.58 pm
Happy Birthday Hazwani !! I tahu you tgh tunggu i nak wish you kan ? Haha.
Azrie Gay ; 11.59 pm
Happy birthday hazwani
Azrie Gay ; 12.01 am
Fuck tak on time. Buat penat je i stay up :p . Anyway may all ur wishes come true. I hope u kena pogo again today at school :D
Saidatul ; 12.06 am
Happy Birthday Hazwani !! :D
Fikri ; 12.08 am
Haha. Ampun boss *muka cuak* . Haha. Eyh lupa plak. Semoga dirahmati oleh Allah !
Zahin ; 12.12 am
Hepy bday, wani ! :)
FahmiGay ; 12.21 am
Happy Birthday !
Aimi ; 12.26 am
Happy 14th birthda hazwani !! =) waaa, sume cm da birthday da kn ? i je blom =( hehe! gudnite dear! sory kacau u tido x)
Anis ; 12.32 am
eh eh, lmbt skit, happy besday banana
Danial MND ; 12.50 am
Bunny ! Happy 14th birthday ! May Allah bless u with happiness and joy to yr life.. Happy birthday skinny =)
Sarah MZ ; 6.41 am
Hazwanii ! Happy 14th Birthday ! :D Have a blast alright , iloveyoumorethaneverything hahaha. Again , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! :)
FadhliPop ; 12.25 pm
Weyh, happy birthday. Sorry aku lambat. Takde credit. Hehe. Anyway, happy birthday. 7 tahun aku kenal ko O.O gila lama. Kau larh kawn baik since std. 1 and plg gila :s and and aku sayang kau. Aku tau ko syg aku. Hehe, anyway, enjoy yr birthday :)
Izzuddin ; 2.29 pm
Hoi.. br teringat ari ni birthday u so happy birthday :)
EeqaBarney ! ; 3.16 pm
Hazwaniii ! Happy bdayyyy ! Sorrrryyyy i wish lmbt :( smlm i tido kot awal hehe . Happy bday ! I loveee youu dudette :p haha
HazeemSepet ; 4.34 pm
Happy b'day !! :D
Intan ; 7.42 pm
Hazwanii ! Sorry sorry mcm lmbaaat gla :/ HPPY HPPY 14th BDAAAY , baybay ! ;D May all yr wishes come true <3>
Azrel ; 10.41 pm
Hazwani ! Happy Birthday :D Sorry wish lambat. I doakan semoga panjang umur and and gudluck in life. Senyum sampai telinga slalu (: Nite nite.
Sabrina ; 11.40 pm - called and wished me at 6.30 pm but nak jugak hantar sms
Dear hazwani tersayang :D, sorry saya wish kamu lmbt. Setinggi-tinggi sorry :( Saya lupa date apa today. Jikalau awak tidak keberatan, saya ingin membuat 'speech'. Dnt wrry, sepatah dua kata saja :) Hzwni, my best friend since std. 1 . You were a bitch, u knw tht ? Haha. Gaduh je, mesti buli i en ? You and dayang -.- Time passes by so fast. Ure fourteen now. Aww, dah tua :') Ilaap you kawan. Thnks fr being there whenever i need you. You're my best worst nightmare. Again, i'm sorry i wish lmbt. Hope you hve a great bday thought its ending. Ada pantun untuk you. Heehee.
Happy birthday hazwani
Azrie Gay ; 12.01 am
Fuck tak on time. Buat penat je i stay up :p . Anyway may all ur wishes come true. I hope u kena pogo again today at school :D
Saidatul ; 12.06 am
Happy Birthday Hazwani !! :D
Fikri ; 12.08 am
Haha. Ampun boss *muka cuak* . Haha. Eyh lupa plak. Semoga dirahmati oleh Allah !
Zahin ; 12.12 am
Hepy bday, wani ! :)
FahmiGay ; 12.21 am
Happy Birthday !
Aimi ; 12.26 am
Happy 14th birthda hazwani !! =) waaa, sume cm da birthday da kn ? i je blom =( hehe! gudnite dear! sory kacau u tido x)
Anis ; 12.32 am
eh eh, lmbt skit, happy besday banana
Danial MND ; 12.50 am
Bunny ! Happy 14th birthday ! May Allah bless u with happiness and joy to yr life.. Happy birthday skinny =)
Sarah MZ ; 6.41 am
Hazwanii ! Happy 14th Birthday ! :D Have a blast alright , iloveyoumorethaneverything hahaha. Again , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ! :)
FadhliPop ; 12.25 pm
Weyh, happy birthday. Sorry aku lambat. Takde credit. Hehe. Anyway, happy birthday. 7 tahun aku kenal ko O.O gila lama. Kau larh kawn baik since std. 1 and plg gila :s and and aku sayang kau. Aku tau ko syg aku. Hehe, anyway, enjoy yr birthday :)
Izzuddin ; 2.29 pm
Hoi.. br teringat ari ni birthday u so happy birthday :)
EeqaBarney ! ; 3.16 pm
Hazwaniii ! Happy bdayyyy ! Sorrrryyyy i wish lmbt :( smlm i tido kot awal hehe . Happy bday ! I loveee youu dudette :p haha
HazeemSepet ; 4.34 pm
Happy b'day !! :D
Intan ; 7.42 pm
Hazwanii ! Sorry sorry mcm lmbaaat gla :/ HPPY HPPY 14th BDAAAY , baybay ! ;D May all yr wishes come true <3>
Azrel ; 10.41 pm
Hazwani ! Happy Birthday :D Sorry wish lambat. I doakan semoga panjang umur and and gudluck in life. Senyum sampai telinga slalu (: Nite nite.
Sabrina ; 11.40 pm - called and wished me at 6.30 pm but nak jugak hantar sms
Dear hazwani tersayang :D, sorry saya wish kamu lmbt. Setinggi-tinggi sorry :( Saya lupa date apa today. Jikalau awak tidak keberatan, saya ingin membuat 'speech'. Dnt wrry, sepatah dua kata saja :) Hzwni, my best friend since std. 1 . You were a bitch, u knw tht ? Haha. Gaduh je, mesti buli i en ? You and dayang -.- Time passes by so fast. Ure fourteen now. Aww, dah tua :') Ilaap you kawan. Thnks fr being there whenever i need you. You're my best worst nightmare. Again, i'm sorry i wish lmbt. Hope you hve a great bday thought its ending. Ada pantun untuk you. Heehee.
Pisang emas dibawa belayar,
Engkau handsome mcm buaya,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan
Kerana hazwani my best rakan
Engkau handsome mcm buaya,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan
Kerana hazwani my best rakan
Hahahahaahahahahaha. I jst made that up. HAHAHA. I lap you <333
AsyrafAzhari ; 11.54 pm
Happy birthday Hazwani ! :DDD, im the last person to wish, wheeee.
End of happy birthday text messages :)
Yg pantun Sabrina tu sumpah tak rhyme and tak masuk akal sikit HAHA. Rojak pulak tu -.-
And Acap menggedik nak jadi the last person to wish. He said, being the last person to wish, I'll remember him easily cause he's the last person. Get me ? Hahaha
After I came back from tuition,
My sis blindfolded me and brought me to the back
I thought my sis, brother, mom, Jeff and my maid were going to pogo me or something :s
But surprise surprise ! When my sis opened the blindfold, there was a cake :)
And after I blew the cake, Jeff popped this thing, keluar cm colourful strings and all
Then, had KFC. Finger licking good hahaha
So so so,
AsyrafAzhari ; 11.54 pm
Happy birthday Hazwani ! :DDD, im the last person to wish, wheeee.
End of happy birthday text messages :)
Yg pantun Sabrina tu sumpah tak rhyme and tak masuk akal sikit HAHA. Rojak pulak tu -.-
And Acap menggedik nak jadi the last person to wish. He said, being the last person to wish, I'll remember him easily cause he's the last person. Get me ? Hahaha
After I came back from tuition,
My sis blindfolded me and brought me to the back
I thought my sis, brother, mom, Jeff and my maid were going to pogo me or something :s
But surprise surprise ! When my sis opened the blindfold, there was a cake :)
And after I blew the cake, Jeff popped this thing, keluar cm colourful strings and all
Then, had KFC. Finger licking good hahaha
So so so,
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