Pretty stressed up !
I must say, so much for declaring I'm on hiatus, no ? Hardeeharhar
The second day of semi-doomsday is over
Yesterday was Agama paper and although I've (sorta) studied my ass off, I did have a hard time on answering a few questions
Hey, it's not as easy as you think it is. I mean, answering questions with a worried plus disturbed mind is just.. Disturbing yknow
Of course, I haven't been honest in this exam though so yeah. BUT that doesn't mean that I'll still get good marks with good grades okay
I won't be putting high hopes on that
Thank God the paper was after recess cause it did make me have more time to actually cram as much information for Agama
As for today, it was a total disaster, really !

Started off with Maths paper 1 which was not bad at all
And I looooovvveee using the calculator, I felt so much like a Sekolah Menengah student hahahaha
I bet you don't get me but yeah. Rasa macam tulis sms jugak somehow
Okay whatever, moving on ..
Finished my Maths paper in erm, 45 minutes I guess ?
And straight away opened my History book cause sadly, my brain was absofreakinglutely blank !
Really, I can't remember a shit for History
But I mean, I can't read back 4 chapters in less than 30 minutes
I just hate hate hate History. Last night, I was bragging to mom how stressed up I was cause I felt like it was such a waste of time to read History when I can't squeeze anything into my brain
Hello, I was positive that I couldn't get A for History and I bet you would be scared if your dad threatened you, if you don't get 8A's, you'll be punished
I told that to mom cause I felt like I was stressing my ass off, just to save myself from the punishment
And she said, my dad wasn't serious about it -.- Mhmm, I don't buy that
So the paper was from 9 til 10.15
After 30 minutes, my paper was still blank and unfortunately, Pn. Haniza came into the class and sat at the back of the class
I would love to murder whoever who put those chairs at the back :@
I didn't have any easy way and SOMEONE DIDN'T REALLY HELP ME AS WELL
I was struggling on answering those shitty questions and failed miserably on remembering anything from what I read from my reference book
Tembak most of the questions, of course. And I started to blackened the answers on the OMR paper when teacher said, "You have 3 minutes more..."
I felt like my heart rate was extremely fast. Won't you panic if you were my situation ?
I didn't even have the time to go through my answers, and just check
Izreen, best dengar I membebel kat you after the paper ? Hahaha
I babbled almost to everyone how hard History was and how I failed to answer the questions
Hmph, I feel like I wanna cry. I can just imagine what will my marks be and what will I get from my dad :'(
As for Maths paper 2, it wasn't bad too
Just a few questions which were a bit tricky and hard
There's nothing much to say about paper 2 actually
I hope I didn't make any careless mistakes
Mmm, I still hate History.
101% pure hatred ! Grrrr
Daddyo, get well soon ! I think you're too stressed up that's why you're now in the hospital cause of a heart problem
Just now, the doctor checked the arteries at his heart and well, that was his third time man !
And they discovered an artery was almost blocked by calcium (?)
I don't know but something like that la, haha
The doctor did what he had to do and now, daddy has to stay in the hospital for another few days
What the heck, Babah kan power rangers. Kuat punya ;)
Tomorrow, I'll sit for PJK and Seni papers
Hoorah, I can relax ! :D
So now, I better hit the showers ( I know, it's already 5.13 p.m hehe ) and I want to start practicing the song A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton on the piano (Y)