This post is not about me, not about you. It's general.
Everyone knows that in life, you will go through some tough time. And everyone will step into a fight or argument, either it's with your best friend or senior or classmates, whoever.
Some people will feel troubled if they're going through an argument with their best friend cause they're scared they'll lose another person who has been by their side through thick and thin.
If you're wondering why I don't really bother if I lose any of my best friends like those two guys whom one of 'em I've been friends with since standard 1 is because I know he's not the only friend I have and I know that sooner or later, this thing will happen. If it doesn't cause just because of an argument, maybe it's because we're just drifting away from each other without any reason. With this other guy whom I declared an end to the friendship is because.. I don't know. It's just out of a sudden, we didn't talk each other anymore. Let alone talking, we didn't even look at each other ! You see, anything can happen, with reasons or without reasons.
Confessions or as I called it, heart-to-heart conversation. Sure, you can do it however you want to do it, you just have to have the courage and honesty. Some people understand that between us friends, we tell each other our weaknesses to make us realize what's wrong and what's right, to give a wake up call. Whilst some people, they just don't get it. They think we do that cause we're jealous, or we have some kind of hatred against them. Just any bad things they could think of. You can't stop them from having that thoughts now, do you ? Just take it this way, whatever they're thinking or saying, just let them be. At least you've done your job of being honest, to clear your heart and mind from that thing that upsets you, to hope that everything would be alright after that, to just do something that you think that's right.
Fights and arguments have to come up with reasons. You can't just have a cold war between whoever without any particular reasons. You're a total bitch/asshole if you come up with assumptions without any reasons okay. And that, will just start a war. Think about it, won't people think of you like a retard if you walk right up to someone and say, "Weyh, kau apehal ?". Haha yeah, ain't that stupid. See, it's the same. Wait, as a matter of fact, you're not even suppose to get yourself into a fight or something. That won't do any good. Anything, just start with a slow talk.
Scolding people for something that's not really a big deal. This one, is famous. Try scolding people if he/she is being such a bitch/asshole, if he/she did something wrong. Don't scold people or pissed off with someone just for some stupid reason. Well, maybe for you it's a big deal but for other people it's not. For example : Scolding people just because that person didn't ask you to join with them hanging out. Technically, you don't have the right to do that cause maybe, they have reasons to not invite you. And you can't just intrude into something like that. They actually have the rights to invite or not. Just don't make it as a big deal. ( Sorry if anyone of you thinks that this is you. I'm not pointing fingers to anyone. This is general, I'm dead serious )
Before I end this post of me babbling, I would like to tell you people that you actually have to decide on every step you're going to take. Think first, if what you're doing is right or wrong. Think first if it will get you into any trouble or not. Just think of what's gonna happen if you do it. You can't just block your nerves from getting to your brain. People quote ; Think First Before You Act. Live with that quote (Y) People do say that everything happens for a reason. There are just some things that happen without any reasons. And there are things you have to fill in the blanks to figure it out yourself.
And just because I've acted without thinking, I went through a hard time. Now I know, that everything you do, you have to think first :)
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