I'm still having my period pain but I'm just too lazy to eat Panadol. Just because I'm extremely bored right now, I'm blogging just to kill the time.
As you can see, today's Sunday. Which means, tomorrow's Merdeka Day and the last day of our school break too. And oh, Dydy will be going back to Sarawak tomorrow :'( Unfortunately, her flight is in the early morning, around 6am (?), I'm not sure. I'll meet her later to hand in her bag and camera. If mom gives me the permission and all, we might go to Sabrina's house for awhile. Y'know, hangout for the last time.
Today will be a boring day for me cause I don't have any plans. Mom cancelled our 'trip' to OU. I won't be going anywhere to celebrate Merdeka Eve so yeah, I'll be staying home the whole day maybe.
How about yesterday ?
Thank God Dydy and I managed to solve our transportation problem although when we were in Pavillion, we still had to squeeze our heads cause that problem striked again.
Okay, sister drove us to Pavillion around 12pm. We should've gone out around 11 cause we were stuck in a jam ( obviously, it was a Saturday ) for an hour. Arrived there around 1pm and made our way to Forever 21. Browsed around and I bought a bag and a beanie, whilst Dydy didn't buy anything. We walked around while waiting for Syamel. He was playing games with Dydy, saying that he couldn't make it and whatnot. Lastly, we met up with him at Quiksilver. I'm not surprised that I was the shortest hahaha. When we walked, we were in order. There were Syamel - Dydy - Me. Macam tangga la :'(
Anyway, we walked around and they decided to watch a movie. I was fine but was surprised when they chose to watch Orphan. Take note : I'm a sucker at horror movies, OKAY ?!
Plus, the movie was 18PL. I was freaking out cause hey, I bet you guys would say that I don't look like an eighteen-years-old girl. And I had a 'traumatic incident' when my friends and I didn't pass an 18PL movie.
Whatever, thank God I passed :') But I'm declaring my hatred to that movie just because I'm a wimp to horror movies.
When I was watching the movie, my sis called, saying that we were actually having the big family dinner that night. I couldn't miss it now, do I ? It would be rude y'know. What if my aunts or uncles asked Mana Wani ? What would their reaction be if my parents tell them that I'm out with my friends ? Tsk tsk.
Had to solve my transportation problem cause Dydy didn't have any transport back home. Thanks to Syamel's friend, he could send Dydy home. So they bought another ticket to watch at 8pm. I went home at 6pm.
When I got home, I just realized I was having my PMS. 1) Thank God tak bocor. 2) It was 6pm ! Nak dekat buka puasa okay :'( Ish.
The night went well either. The dinner at my house was to celebrate my parents' 30th anniversary :')
Everyone from my mom's side was there. We ate, talked, had our laughs. Just like our own bonding session y'know. I miss it cause it has been awhile since the last time we had that gathering.
That was my yesterday. Didn't really get the opportunity to disturb or annoy Syamel cause damn, he was too quiet !
At least, I made him laugh. When we were walking around Pavillion, I asked Dydy a lot of random questions. For example, "Kalau you jatuh ke bawah, camne you nak selamatkan diri you ?", "Kalau you jatuh kat atas lantai, camne you nak cover ?". Those kinds of questions hahaha. Screw you, I was bored and they were too quiet. I just had to burst the bubble.
Tomorrow I'll start my day with a three-hours Science class with Mr. Nathan. Sure, I can bear that :'(
And I'll try to finish up my Science notes and Geography note book. I have to get extra marks, especially Geography. I can't get a friggin' C, dammit !
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