Luen called me a "rempit wannabe" and a loser just because I went into BM class late. You have no idea how much it hurts, man -.-
A very very hectic school day, seriously.
The boys splashed water on my kain. Thank God it was not much.
I've always loved hanging out at the bus stop after school :')
Haven't done anything that gives me benefits since I came home. Other than finishing up Cikgu Nik's work. Ni yang tak suka ni !
I'm getting tired of being a prefect, nuff said. The interest of being one has gone with the wind, somehow. I think it's because I've been a prefect since standard 4 ? So, rindu pakai uniform putih haha. I know, alasan memang bodoh.
I have a feeling of wanting to text him but.. where's the guts ?!
Sumpah rasa macam uncomfortable and restless sekarang. I have no idea why.
Okay, kena start study. Final exam is just waiting for its time to freak me out, which is another 3 weeks or less *gulp*
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