Didn't really get the chance to wish those PMR candidates goodluck. So, goodluck to y'all, specially to Syafiq, Hanis and all the form 3s from TTDI. Although they must have finished their BM and Agama paper by now, but what the heck :)
Shit, dah la next year it's gonna be my turn *heart's pumping fast*.
School was a waste of time, really. Pergi sekolah tapi buku dengan beg tak bukak langsung, seriously. Miss Anniza was nowhere to be found, Pn. Law is on leave from now on due to her pregnancy so during Maths just now, all of us had to go to the Bilik Jahitan. Technical students did our Etika Makan which means, we cooked, while Pn. Rukkumani gave the Perdagangan students something to do I guess. It was hella fun (Y) Although the room was quite dirty which made our socks turned black and there was a dead cockroach. My group cooked burgers due to our laziness of bringing extra things and cook more food. Shyahirah's group cooked hot dog and made caramel pudding, Carlos' group cooked Spaghetti Carbonara and Boon's group cooked burger and made soup.
Everyone's cooking were very very tempting. Carlos' Spaghetti Carbonara sumpah sedap, despite the saltiness and spaghetti tak lembut sangat haha.
Finished the lesson when Civic has started. Spent our time talking in class til 1.10pm. Ada la jalan jalan but yeah.
It was a waste of time, no ? Despite the cooking part la. Our bags were on our desks, untouched ! Even the students from 2 Einstein went back okay. They called their parents and all. Banyak orang dah plan esok tak nak datang sekolah dah. They should give us ALL holidays due to the PMR. Just a thought okay.
Anyhooooo, it's 7th of October and it's Azrel's birthday. So,
Happy Birthday, loser ! Cepat cepat dapat driving license and you should bring me around AND make sure I'm the first one ! Hahaha. Have an impecabble one gendut :)
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