Sunday, October 4, 2009


I've been handling guests the whole day. It came to my surprise that I woke up at 9am although I slept late last night. Anyway, relatives from my dad's side came around 11am so that was when I had to set the table and stuff. Pretty tiring cause the house was pretty crowded. Sumpah banyak la kan sebab families belah Babah memang banyak. Called Dydy for a short while. It has been ages since the last time I called her. She told me to call her back around 30 minutes later so in the mean time, I called Sabrina. By the time I hung up, mom told me to come down.
Sorry Dy sebab tak call balik !

They went home around 1pm and at 2.30pm, one of my dad's brother came to house pulak. Didn't really do that much though.
At around 3.30pm I guess, Andy told me he himself and his friends ( Akir, Zaim, Fareez, Adri, Qallif and Iman ) were coming to my house 'untuk beraya'. Mom gave a green light so yeah, cool. They arrived around 4.2opm whilst mom and dad were sleeping. So I had to do everything. It went well :)
Now I know that Andy is scared of cats. He sorta freaked out when he saw Kimi which made both of them ran away. Mana tak nya Kimi lari keluar rumah bila Andy pun lari macam nampak hantu -.- hahaha.
So, I served them kuih and all. Andy ate the most. He even wanted roti kaya ! Bertuah betul budak tu, haha.
Had our laughs. Thank God Andy didn't laugh like he always do. You know, the very very loud one ? Yeah, fuh.
Then Izreen came which he said he flew to my house. Very nice. And they went to someone else's house around 20 minutes ago. Honestly, that was the first time my friends came to my house untuk beraya. Tak pernah buat open house sebab mama malas, haha :')

I'll be going to my uncle's house tonight for dinner.
And tomorrow's school. Geez, I better get my things ready !

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