Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm not the kind of girl who will call up one of my best friends and just tell him or her what's disturbing me
No, I'll do that when I seriously need someone to talk to. When I feel like I'm losing my mind or I'm going to lose my mind, I'll let it out to anyone I trust

Right now, I have gazillion thoughts in my head from just one problem. I don't think I can solve it. I have to live with it actually
Til when, I don't know either but I just wish someone or something, maybe a solution, will put a fullstop to it

Starting with appreciation
Due to my hideous Geography and History marks, yes I got what I think, I deserve. Or maybe my parents think I deserve
A few mocks and insults here and there. Yeah, maybe I am stupid after all
People say that whatever our parents say, it will come true or it's sorta like a pray
They kept on saying I'm stupid and all sorts of 'good' response and now I'm being just like what they've been saying
Who said I didn't try my best ? I did ! If I don't give a damn about the exam, if I don't care about getting bad grades, I won't be studying, I won't swallow 2 to 4 Panadols a day, I won't sacrifice my time on studying when I can just use the laptop all day long
What else do you want from me ?
Yeah, they kept saying " Wani straight A's student so tak patut dapat B pun "
They think I'm a robot ? They think I'm a one of a kind human being, who doesn't have her own ups and downs ?
Stop comparing to other people, will you ? I can't be exactly like Boon Kheng or just whoever you hope I'm exactly like him or her
Yes, I said I don't care what my parents think cause to me, I've done my best
My parents expect me to get straight A's all the time. I should not get a B. Even a 75 doesn't make them proud
I rarely get a " Wow, congratulations ! ". Their response when I told them I got 100 for my Maths was " Alaa tu Maths. What about other subjects ? "
Don't you think like your hard work on getting such good marks for certain papers is just a waste ? As if you can just throw all your hard work away like a stinky trash
I was so hyped up to tell my parents my marks for Science which was 88 and then I told them my History's and Geography's marks
They forget about the Science marks and jumped to my weakness, my failure
I've never, I repeat, never ever felt appreciated on getting good marks. Instead, they keep telling me how stupid am I cause I can't get straight A's, I can't be like those people who are extremely smart. Not to forget, my parents always come up with a few names
They have high expectations on me, yes. But they expect me to get marks like 90 above. Sometimes, I think that's just absurd and impossible
Sometimes I feel like saying, " Why don't you guys adopt another child or maybe those people you've been comparing me to, just to make you guys satisfied ? "
I give up ! I've tried my best, I've been working quite hard, but what do I get in return ?
A few beatings here and there, a few mocks and insults. I'll take all that as nothing.

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